Sunday, June 3, 2018

TALES(Fantasy,Adventure)(Story 1, Part (a))

Kush's Diary

As I opened my eyes, I could only see the calm azure above. My cheeks could only feel some slightly rounded particles clashing against them but to my shock, I couldn't feel those particles anywhere else. The only voice which could be heard was of the slight wind blowing in the vicinity. This was strange and stranger was the fact that I wasn't able to move. I felt as if my whole body was under the influence of some strong invisible force that was holding me to the ground.

Suddenly, I saw a big orange of yellow colour kept on two thin sticks. Some of its peels looked like big wings. This round and plump looking figure seemed to be mouthwatering. The thought of it's sour and sweet taste gave me some kind of relaxation. What all I wanted was just to have it but on a closer look, I saw that it had two large eyes staring at me. Indeed, it was not an orange but some kind of a strange living creature of the vicinity. Being in complete dismay, I started howling just in order to get saved.

This unknown figure than came next to my ears and said,"Azura releaso." No sooner did the words strike my ears than I began to feel free. It seemed as if all that had locked me earlier was now gone. This figure helped me to get up and now I could find some gentleness in the eyes of my adversary. He held my right hand and placed a stone on it which looked much like Lapiz-lazuli. Also, he tried to explain me something in his native language but all in vain. It was only after he muttered a few magical words when things became clearer to me.

In a purling voice, he said,"My name is Azure and I am the pharaoh of the Blue Kingdom. I have kidnapped you for you can only save my kingdom by solving an equation scroll stolen by the demon, Yora." His introduction seemed quite ironical for in spite of being the king of the Blue Kingdom he was all yellow but on further introspection, I came to know that this was his disguise so that none of Yora's people could catch him. I never wanted to trust this strange looking Azure who was all yellow but I had no choice. Therefore, I continued my journey with him. Now, even the surroundings were much clear. This Azure, I must say was talented for within a few seconds he turned a barren piece of land into a forest.

This forest was mystical. The birds were grunting in the marshy mud whereas the large hogs with big wings were twittering on the trees. These trees were also dipped in a blue paint. Moreover, there were squeaking bears, humming apes, quacking elephants and what not. The world here was completely topsy-turvy and I was suffering from hunger pangs. So, Mr. Azure who till now had been a good companion of mine gave me some black mangoes and white grapes to eat. After filling myself completely, I asked him about the powers of the stone. Then he said,"The stone will reveal it's powers to you only when you will need it the most. Just remember the power of Goddess Azura."

Image result for yellow castle

Having passed the jungle, we reached the dreary kingdom of Yora where we were welcomed by the honey-bee warriors with a sting like a shovel in their hands. The huge walls and gates of the palace looked infected with jaundice. Even the round stones looked like lemons. The sky was all gold and the demon's subjects were yellow Alphonso mangoes. Mr. Azure wished me luck and bid adieu to me before I entered the castle.

I stepped into the main hall only to find a huge grasshopper of yellow colour with a tongue like a frog. His eyes appeared like potato wafers that could be easily crushed and wings like that of a ladybird. This weird thing was holding a scroll in its hand which was indeed the equation and guess who was the creature? Undoubtedly, he was Yora, the stupid demon. I couldn't help but started laughing. Suddenly, everything came to a halt as Yora held me with his tongue. To be true, he was a villain. Defeating him was not that easy. I tried to crush his wafery eyes and munch on them for that seemed to be his weakest organ but even after this nothing could bring down his zeal for fighting. Thinking of nothing else, I took the stone out of my pocket and started remembering Goddess Azura.

Out of a sudden, there appeared a bright white light and a fairy in a blue-white gown of pearls landed on the head of Yora. Her hair looked like curly locks of blue-pearl and eyes like shining crystal. Her wings were too beautiful to imagine with different blue-colour patterns. She even carried a scepter in her right hand but was she 'Thumbelina' or 'Alice in Wonderland'? Oh! she was truly too short of stature to be termed as a Goddess but her valour was probably the largest that I had ever seen. With her courage, she helped me to defeat Yora.

Now, came the most crucial time of solving the equation. The mighty Goddess gave me the scroll. As I opened the scroll, I found an equation which was not of Maths or Science but of moral values.
The equation was:

"What is it people don't find?
Why do they become so blind?
Here and there, their mind revolves
And hardly anyone solves
The different problems that they face.
Why do they indulge in a rat-race?"

After a lot of discussion and contemplation with the Goddess, I finally said,

"It is peace what people don't find.
It is due to the game of the mind.
For a peaceful mind vouches for a peaceful soul.
This is my answer. That's all."

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"Bang", I heard a noise,"It's time to go back."
Within the blink of an eye, I found myself resting on the green grass of my estate and the birds chirping in the usual way. Gathering all my strength, I stood up only to find a stone under my feet. As I bent to pick it up, I found that the stone resembled Lapis-lazuli. I laughed and kept it with me. Afterall, it had been an unforgettable dream.

----------------------------------------------------------------------------©Radhika Gupta(June3,2018)

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