It's not just she.
It's even he
When we talk of people assaulted savagely.
His life was also carefree,
He was just like his friends, so gutsy.
But, who knows when life may go awry?
Who knows when life may show it's brutality?
They dragged him cruelly and sodomised him.
The whole scenario was too grim.
They stole away his youthful vim.
All left was a boy so dim.
Are we incarnations of some demon?
Who else would have fun in defiling someone?
At least the ancient demons had some self-respect.
Alas! I don't think our souls contain even that.
Don't you think it's failure of humanity?
Isn't it defeat of the so-called shibboleths
That we talk of so defiantly?
We say,"Saving girl child is sanity."
I say," To save our morality should be the reality."
We need to save ourselves from the shitty salacity.
For it's not just she.
It's not just he.
Right now, all I am adverting to is 'OUR LOST HUMANITY'.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------©Radhika Gupta(June18,2018)
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