Thursday, July 5, 2018


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Dejected look on her rosy face
Faded the dinner's aroma.
She seemed left in disgrace
Due to someone's brash persona.

The room almost sank in silence.
For a while, none spoke a word.
There was a loss of mind's balance.
But for her gey cells, nothing stirred.

The two birds swapped a look
That appeared quite absurd.
When one of them muttered,
The other's speech sounded slurred.

"How was your job today?", 
asked the lady having soda.
The girl said," Another hard day.
I couldn't achieve the sales quota."

"Is this all I need to know dear?",
Retorted the lady musically.
The girl said,"I love you, mom.
I can't say anything else truly."

The mother smiled radiantly.
She gave a hug to her child.
Even if just for a moment,
The girl's heart turned mild.

Her mild heart softened the eyes
That burst into a ceaseless rain
Of tears that could have flooded the room.
She didn't want to lose her job again.

Mom said,"Oh dear! I know your feelings.
You simply can never hide them.
I don't care for any stupid job.
You are my most precious gem.

People will try to let you down.
It's their devious stratagem.
Don't surrender to any shame crown.
Don't reduce yourself to any contemn.

Hard times will make you strong.
They will disturb you like a tightrope
Shakes a novice equilibrist's aplomb.
But you shouldn't jump from the rope.

--------------------------------------------------------------------------©Radhika Gupta(July5, 2018)