Thursday, August 23, 2018


It is certainly some nightmare
That wants you to be aware
That you surely need to stop and stare
The small things of life layer by layer.

It's like getting a terrible electric shock.
You know you have something but unable to rock.
It's arduous to tread the new path block by block
When you feel that everyone is there to mock.

It is a pus that bestows an unbearable pain.
Day by day it simply becomes hard to regain
The sanity that is required to peacefully sustain
In this worldly realm and to have less strain.

It is as if some vehicle rashly runs into you.
And you are dead before you think to do
Something so that your life may continue.
Alas! There is hardly anyone at your rescue.

It is as if you are suffering from deep burns within.
You constantly feel that you have committed some sin.
You surrender yourself to your traumatic chagrin.
Gradually, this becomes your so-called daily routine.

I know the above comparisons seem eerie.
But truly failures fall on us like a catastrophe.
It never matters whether we are free or busy
To accept these failures in life's journey.

People may say," Failures are stepping stones to success."
But they will be the first ones to laugh at your helplessness.
And if perchance some day you progress,
They will again blow their fife of "Failures success".

But listening such quotes hardly matters
When the courage within deeply shatters
And our reputation simply gets in tatters.
Failure makes us forget our manners.

I am not here to preach some thought
About failures, seclusion or becoming rot.
We all have our own failure to think about
And our own ways to remove the failure blot.

And those who have been lucky enough
That they never faced any failure so rough.
For them, I say," Salute to you but don't rebuff
Those failures who have experienced so tough.

Who knows one day you may need their advice?
You never know when life may give a surprise.
You have your own brain to self-analyse.
It's just that failure hurts and not all failures are unwise."

---------------------------------------------------------©Radhika Gupta(August 23,2018)


  1. sometimes, it is thrust on personal things
    that fails to bring
    the desirous results
    and finally hurts

    who has the time to read your personal woes?
    until it goes
    well with the general nature
    more length of the poem doesn't reassure

    make it a point
    and maintain
    the good rapport
    when you sincerely report

    the life is different to all
    and until you involve
    you won't know about the exact nature
    and thus result in failure

    the feelings and gesture
    both are making it sure
    that you respond well
    and get the response from all

    Hasmukh Amathalal Mehta

  2. fantastic poem and I agree with some of your views

  3. Nice1. ..excellent poem.
    Radhika where are you. keep writing
